Meet Emma, she is Keen on the Water:
The Ocean is where I feel at home.
Whether that be underwater or floating.
I am a researcher, an educator, a conservationist.
I started Keen on the Water as a way to share my enthusiasm and encourage others to get involved in marine conservation.

I am a sailor, a swimmer, a diver; basically any activity that gets me in the water has always been top of my list. Known as a water baby since day one, the nickname ‘Billie the fish’ was coined on a family holiday once, as I spent the whole time playing in the water. Wherever I am I manage to find the nearest body of water, from puddles to the big blue sea, swimming pools to rivers and lakes, I’m never far away!
But what has captured my soul is the wide open ocean, where you see nothing but blue for miles around; there’s not another soul in sight and the wildlife is your link to life! Keen on the Water is here to help every ocean user to feel the same way.

Life as a scientist
I have a Masters in Science; Marine Biology and Oceanography. I don’t take this for granted. What a degree really did for me was teach me how to learn. And I am continually learning, from other people around me and from the natural world. Trying to absorb as much as I can. In order to be able to pass on as much of my knowledge as possible and help others to understand our responsibilities as guardians of this incredible planet we have the privilege to call home!
I am a scientist. In Cambodia at Marine Conservation Cambodia I studied Irrawaddy dolphins, coral reefs, sea grass habitats and artificial structures as a volunteer. During my undergrad I took part in research about Harbour porpoise around Anglesey. I volunteered as a lab assistant looking after crabs, urchins and mussels in a CO2 experiment. For my Masters thesis I studied salt marsh accretion in the estuaries of North Wales. I have contributed to research about Sperm whales, Risso’s, Common, Bottlenose and Striped dolphins in the Med. Keen on the Water is here to help other ocean users find ways to get involved.
Sailing experience

As sailors we are surrounded by the sea, we rely on it, it’s our floating home! I’m hoping to be able to use my background, knowledge and enthusiasm to be help others I meet on my sailing journey. Because of this, I want to inspire engagement with the natural world; stewardship; responsibility for the ocean.
Recently I crossed the Atlantic as part of a female led crew on SV Moonflower 3 with Sailing Escapes, where we sailed from Croatia to the Canary Islands to the Caribbean. Now I am working on board a privately owned boat in the Caribbean, as cook/stew/deckhand on a SunReef 74. This means I’m also hoping to become involved with local causes, and educating guests about marine conservation! I am trying to achieve my YachtMaster Offshore, and would like to become a Dive Instructor with all my spare time…
I’m also still working on a paper about the research I assisted with in Cambodia about Irrawaddy Dolphins; completing the JNCC Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring courses online, and the Nature Conservancy training course about Ecotourism.
My goals

Having seen first hand the impacts sailing can have on the marine environment, I am on a mission to make it a more sustainable industry. In order to protect the ocean so we can continue to enjoy all it provides; for us and for generations to come.
Through teaching mariners about marine ecosystems and habitats; informing people about threats facing the ocean today, and sharing tips on how to be more environmentally conscious in our actions. I hope to spread the message of ocean protection far and wide.
While we’re here, I am trying to link sailors, wherever they are, with local conservation initiatives. For people to learn more about the local environment and have the opportunity to get involved in direct action – give a little back!
The goal for Keen on the Water is for every single ocean user to feel some kind of stewardship towards the environment they rely on.